Garden Coach? Say What?

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So, what exactly is a Garden Coach anyway? Do you envision someone on the sideline blowing a whistle and shouting commands when you’re fumbling around in the garden? How about a patchouli wearing, floppy hat clad garden scholar throwing around botanical plant names you’ve never heard of and going on and on about the meaning of life? I can assure you, that is definitely not me... and I have nothing against Patchouli. It is rather lovely when paired with other scents!

As a garden coach, my job is a bit of a hybrid of other ones that you might be more familiar with. It is a cross between a coach, garden designer, and a landscaper. With a designer you’ll get some great ideas and plans, but you’ll be left to figure out how to do it yourself or will need to hire someone. Landscapers will do the work for you, install plant, and even maintain flower beds but they won’t teach you how to do any of those things. A coach is like getting the benefits of both these professionals and you’ll learn valuable gardening know-how. Garden Coaches inspire, educate, and empower. 

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A consultation with a garden coach can be varied based on what you need. It could be geared towards design, plant selection, and maintenance plans. It could be to actually work with you to perform garden tasks, teaching you along the way, like a second set of hands with a wealth of knowledge to help you become a more self-sufficient gardener. A garden coach is perfect for gardeners who want to actually garden but need help getting started, learning how to do specific garden tasks, or just get help with tasks. 

I work with anyone from those who have never gardened before, self-proclaimed plant killers, intermediate gardeners as well as experienced gardeners. There are so many possibilities that a garden coach can help you with, but when it comes to the large scale hardscaping or construction, we would help recommend the right professional for the job.

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If you are home gardener who needs guidance, or aspire to become a gardener, a garden coach can help you envision your dream garden, show you what plants to use, and how to care for them. With one-on-one mentoring, you will learn how to save money, time, and labor using environmentally sustainable practices. Gardening should not be frustrating or confusing. We aim to remove all that so that you can reap the benefits of a beautiful, fulfilling garden, and create a place of peace and a feeling of accomplishment.

Garden coaches are the perfect solutions for: 

  • New gardeners needing help or instruction starting a flower or vegetable garden.

  • Intermediate or experienced gardeners needing insight, advice, or assistance on garden ideas or projects they would like to undertake.

  • New homeowners who want to know what certain plants are in their garden, as well as how to care for them.

  • Home sellers who need curb appeal to make it more attractive to potential buyers.

  • Cooks who want fresh, organic produce or herbs to kick their recipes up a notch.

  • Mixologists who want fresh herbs to muddle in their tasty concoctions.

  • Anyone wanting to learn how to or get assistance with:

    • How to make your garden lower maintenance.

    • Selecting the right plants for your area and sun.

    • Planting annuals, perennials, bulbs, shrubs and trees.

    • Dividing perennials.

    • Deadheading to promote re-bloom.

    • Pruning shrubs and small ornamental trees.

    • Prepping the garden in spring or cleaning up in the fall.

    • Identifying and addressing plant problems.

    • Chemical free alternatives to feeding and treating plants.

    • Choosing the correct pots and soil mix.

    • Creating mixed ornamental containers for summer long beauty.

    • Proper irrigation to ensure healthy plants.

    • Changing plantings for all four seasons.

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Another benefit: You’ll get a written summary on what we discussed in the coaching session so that you don’t have to worry about trying to remember everything all at once. I’ll also provide you with an eBook with tons of valuable information on everything you need to get started in the garden.

If you’ve been neglecting a garden project, have a task that seems overwhelming, need help getting started or tackling issues, I would love to partner with you.

For more information on my mission and vision as a garden coach click here:

To book a consultation or gift a consultation, click here:

Until next time…

Dream Big, Plant Love, and Grow Where You’re Planted

XOXO - Laurie

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Balcony Garden Project


Winter, Milk Jugs and Seeds, Oh My!