Laurie Parent Laurie Parent

Got Worms?

Worms are critical to soil health. Read all about why you need worms and how to get more of them in your garden.

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Laurie Parent Laurie Parent

Say Yes To Yarrow!

Yarrow is a powerhouse and a must have in the garden. Read all about this companion plant and its benefits.

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Laurie Parent Laurie Parent

Get Your Garlic On!

Learn about the amazing health benefits of garlic, as well as how to grow, harvest, and store garlic.

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Laurie Parent Laurie Parent

DIY Hose Guards

These DIY Hose Guards were quick and easy to make. Check out my step-by-step guide to make your own.

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Laurie Parent Laurie Parent

Balcony Garden Project

There is no space too small for a garden. This balcony garden design adds color, privacy, and provides fresh herbs and veggies.

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Laurie Parent Laurie Parent

Garden Coach? Say What?

Garden coaches help remove the confusion and frustration of gardening, help tackle issues, and teach valuable gardening skills.

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Laurie Parent Laurie Parent

Don’t Toss Your Leek Greens

Did you know that all parts of the leek are edible? Learn more about why you need to start growing leeks and eating the greens!

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Laurie Parent Laurie Parent

Winter Pruning

Late winter is the perfect time to prune many trees that are still dormant. Check out these tips for success.

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Laurie Parent Laurie Parent

Make Tea Not War

There are so many benefits to growing herbs indoors. They bring nature inside, add a splash of color, they smell ah-mazing, and best of all, you can make tea with them!

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Laurie Parent Laurie Parent

99 Problems but a Poinsettia ain’t one!

Poinsettias are one of my favorite seasonal plants! Maybe you got one for the holidays but are now left wondering what do you do now. Well, good news! With a few tidbits of information, you can keep your poinsettia thriving all year.

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Laurie Parent Laurie Parent

Nifty Nasturtium

Nasturtiums are a must have in my garden. They not only bring beauty and color, Nasturtiums are edible and excellent companion plants that help with pest control organically.

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Laurie Parent Laurie Parent

Container Gardening

No space or time to garden but want fresh veggies? Container gardening is the way to go!

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